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Mar 20

Written by: SuperUser Account
Saturday, March 20, 2010 



4 eggplants
6  red peppers
2 tomatoes, finely chopped
4 cloves of garlic, minced
7 tablespoons of vinegar
4 tablespoon olive oil , half a bunch of parsely, chopped finely


Roast eggplants and peppers on a grill, or in oven at 160- 220 degrees. Roast tomatoes along with eggplants and peppers for about 5 minutes.
-Let them cool first. Then peel eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes. And seed them.
-Chopped them all finely.
-In a bowl mix crushed garlic, eggplants, peppers, tomatoes, and parsley.
-In a small bowl, mix vinegar, olive oil, and salt. Add this on vegetables.
-Mix well. Taste. If you think you can handle a little more garlic and vinegar, do not hesitate to add more.


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