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Apr 4

Written by: SuperUser Account
Sunday, April 04, 2010 

1 cup jasmine rice
4 tbsp butter
3 tbsp pine nut
3 tbsp currant
200g beef cut in small cubes
1 and ½ cups beef broth
1 onion, chopped
½ tsp ground cardamom
½ tsp ground cinnamon
½ tsp ground clove


Soak rice in salty warm water for half an hour. Clean the stems of currant and soak tem in water as well. In a medium pan, sauté beef cubes in 2 tbsp butter on medium high heat.
Add chopped onion and sauté until meat absorb all the juice. Add 1 cup hot water and let simmer until tender for an hour on low heat. When the meat is done, drain excessive broth and transfer beef and onion mixture to a shallow pot. Stir all spices, currants, and pine nuts in pot too. Add washed and drained rice in it and mix them well. Boil 1 and ½ cups broth, mix 2 tbsp butter and salt in broth. Pour the broth mixture on rice and let it simmer on first medium heat until boiling then cook on low heat until rice absorbs the broth. Turn the heat off. Cover with double layer of paper towel and put the lid on it. let set 20 minutes to steam. Enjoy

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