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Apr 14

Written by: SuperUser Account
Wednesday, April 14, 2010 

Haddock or Salmon steak, cut in 16 piece chunks
1 onion, divided into 8-10 pieces
1/2 red bell pepper, cut in medium sized chunks
1/2 green bell pepper, cut in medium sized chunks
8 cherry tomatoes

60ml vinegar
60ml extra virgin olive oil
Pepper, salt

Arrange the fish, red pepper, green pepper, onion and tomatoes in order on the skewers. Whisk marinade ingredients in a large deep plate. Place the skewers in it and allow them to marinate for 1 hour in the fridge and make sure to turn the skewers over from time to time. Let it sit at room temperature for 15 minutes before cooking.Preheat your barbecue or oven (grill). Place the skewers on the rack. Make sure to turn the skewers frequently so that all sides of the fish are cooked equally for a total of 10 minutes. Every time you turn the skewers, brush the fish and vegetables with marinade.Place them on a plate and sprinkle some oregano all over. Serve Fish Kebab with lemon wedges. Enjoy


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