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Apr 22

Written by: SuperUser Account
Thursday, April 22, 2010 


300gr sheep tripe, you can buy from your local butcher
4-5 cups water
2 tbsp butter, salt
3 tbsp all purpose flour
1 egg yolk

2 garlic cloves, smashed with salt
4-5 tbsp wine vinegar with raspberry juice, or another type of vinegar

Cook the tripe with water and salt for about 1.5 - 2 hours or until tender. If you like you may use a pressure cooker to cook in a shorter time. Remove the foam from the surface. Take the cooked tripe out of the water (keep the water) and cut in bite sized chunks over a cutting board.
Melt the butter, add the flour, stir and slowly pour about 2 cups of warm boiled water while stirring constantly. They should blend very well. Then add in the tripes. Cook 15-20 minutes over a little bit under medium heat.
Take a few spoons of liquid from the pot and blend well with the egg yolk in a bowl. Then slowly pour the mixture into the pot while stirring very slowly. Cook for 3-4 more minutes over medium heat. If it is too thick add a little bit more boiled water. Pour the soup into the bowls.
Mix the garlic and vinegar in a small bowl and pour one tablespoon into the soup. Serve this traditional Turkish Tripe Soup while still hot. Enjoy

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