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May 14

Written by: SuperUser Account
Friday, May 14, 2010 

400gr chick peas
250gr  lean,lamb (cut into small pieces)
3 large onions diced
3 tablespoons margarine
2 tablespoon mild, chille paste
3 large tomatoes finely chopped
1.5lt of chicken stock
2  long red peppers,chopped
1 teaspoon salt

Put the margarine and diced, onions into a pan, saute for 5 minutes. Add the meat and continue to,
saute until the meat simmers. Add the peeled and chopped tomatoes and chilli paste, the red peppers,
water or meat broth and salt. Cook for 45 minutes over low heat. drain the chick peas that were soaked overnight,
in water, and put in fast boiling water. Boil for about 30 minutes. Remove from heat and drain off the water.
Add the chick peas to the cooking meat and cook over heat slightly less han moderate until the chick peas become tender.
Place on a serving dish and serve. Enjoy

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