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May 4

Written by: SuperUser Account
Tuesday, May 04, 2010 


150gr lean lamb, cut in cubes
1 + 3 cups hot water
4-5  green (Shallot) onions, chopped
6 tbsp rice, washed and drained
1 large tomato, grated
2 tbsp butter
Pepper for taste
1 tbsp dry mint

4 tablespoonfuls yogurt
1 egg

Cook the lamb cubes with their juice without oil in a medium sized cooking pot.
After all the water evaporates, add 1 cup of hot water and cook over medium-low,
heat until the lamb softens. Add 3 cups of hot water, rice, butter, fresh onion, grated,
tomatoes, salt and pepper. Cover the lid half way and cook until the rice is done.
Add the mint, stir and turn the heat off. Whisk the sauce ingredients in a small bowl.
Take one ladle from the soup and add into the sauce, whisk, then pour this mixture into,
the soup and stir. Serve while still hot. Enjoy


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